Dr. Kasim Balarabe is a Professor of Law at the Jindal Global Law School. He is interested in public international law, the intersections of international law and international relations, human rights, and international security issues. He has more than a decade and a half of experience in academic, research, humanitarian, legal and policy development issues. He started his career as an Associate at Aluko & Oyebode. Furthermore, he later entered the federal civil service as Assistant Chief Legal Officer with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Justice. He was a former Special Assistant (Policy) to Nigeria’s Federal Commissioner for Refugees and represented Nigeria as a delegate to the United Nations General Assembly. Dr. Kasim Balarabe was a Research Associate with Public International Law and Policy Group (PILPG) Netherlands Office, and has also served as a resource person for several governmental and non-governmental organizations on human rights, refugees, and humanitarian law issues. Dr. Balarabe holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Ahmadu Bello University; A Barrister at Law from the Nigerian Law School; a Master of Laws from the University of Geneva; a Master of Laws with a specialization in Law and Politics of International Security from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a Doctorate in law from Maastricht University Netherlands.